
Longing by Michelle Cowan

Longing.  I feel longing. Underneath the disappointment, the anger, the sadness, the lonesomeness, the tiredness, the confusion (I could go on), lies longing. My whole being aches for something unnamable.

It’s tempting to leave it at that. Once I realize that I can’t describe something in words, it’s pretty easy for me to leave it behind (at least for a few hours) and sit on my meditation cushion, believing that I’m somehow accessing the unnamable. I can breathe in and out at my desk at work and experience the unnamable feeling.  I can get down to it via non-linear channels. 

I asked God if, when I encounter the thing I have been longing for, I will know it. I haven’t heard back yet.

I think I will know. I think that whatever it is is very close. I’m not sure if it’s a person, an event, a job, a chance, a vocation, a feeling, or a group. It’s probably something else entirely. For certain, it is a longing for change – either in me or in the world around me. Something needs to come in and mix up the action. But that’s not such a huge revelation. Any longing is a longing for change of some kind, even if it’s just a longing for a change within that will allow me to enjoy the world as it is.

Or maybe every longing is simply a desire for the longing to go away. Maybe longing just is, and all we can do is want it to leave us alone.  But what would I be without a longing of some kind?  Once I achieve the object of my longing, doesn’t the longing just transfer to a new object? Once it transfers, I then spend days, months, or years figuring out what the new object is.  After a while, I might lay hands on the not-so-new-anymore longing, but all that leads to is the appearance of a new new longing. 

Or maybe I’m always entertaining multiple longings. I’m filled with hundreds of longings, and when one goes away, others stay or newly appear. The longings constantly flow in and out of me.  I’m a body of ever-shifting longings blowing and whirling through me – some finding their way to the core and making a home for themselves, and others whizzing by faster than I can feel them.

I like this image of me as a swirling cacophony of movement and yearning. That’s how I experience life. It also explains why longings often confuse me. I misinterpret what they are.  I assume I have a singular longing when, in fact, dozens or even hundreds or thousands of longings compete for my attention every moment of every day. The crux of my disease is that I mistake a surface longing for one of the deeper ones. I might eat something or apply for another new job instead of paying attention to the deeper longing. I assume I want food or a career change, when maybe what I long for is far more complicated.

The key to my salvation is not satisfying longings. It must be something else.

It’s easier to attend to surface desires and far more difficult to discern the deeper longings.  I doubt those deeper longings are any harder to satisfy than the surface ones, but pinpointing what it is that could satisfy the deeper desires – that’s the trick.

So here I sit: me, a swirling mass of longing. That about describes it.

And which longing is at my core?  Which longing do I feel right now?  Is it the same longing I’ve felt for the last two months?  Or has it changed?  What is this?  And does it matter if I fulfill it?  Will I barely feel the satisfaction of fulfillment and simply move on to the next longing? Is it better to become friends with longing and let it exist in my heart as long as it chooses to stay?  When do I take action to fulfill a longing? Or could all my longings be fulfilled without me doing anything? Could developing satisfaction and contentment with the longing actually be the path to fulfillment?

Maybe.  I think I’m hungry…

Rock Star Writing and Editing by Michelle Cowan

I'm finally ready to start my own writing and editing business: Rock Star Writing and Editing.  I'm thrilled that I now have enough experience to offer quality services through a more professional structure.  Please tell all your friends... and your boss... about my new venture.

Life is getting a bit stale, and I need to bring more variety into the work portion of my life.  Working for myself and choosing a more diverse set of projects promises to bring just that.  I'm searching for something.  I feel very displaced and hungry for an unknown experience.  This new business is one attempt to find a new level of satisfaction. 

It may not be healthy to continually seek the next level in one's life or career.  It's a pretty futile journey.  The human soul is never completely satisfied.  We never reach the apex of achievement, even when we accomplish our most outrageous dreams.  Even though I know these things, I also know that I am a person who rarely feels content.  Although I meditate and seek knowledge and try to base my worth on things other than my accomplishments, I am always reaching.  Instead of denying or suppressing that desire (as I often do), I'm embracing it in this effort to bring a new work element into my life.

Please support me by visiting  And tell everyone you know, especially those who regularly hire freelance writers and editors or who have a need for technical or other business writing expertise.

Rock on!

Vocal Rest by Michelle Cowan

I'm putting myself on vocal rest for a couple of days.  A lot has been happening.  I'm singing next Saturday with PIVO, a new jazz group I'm a part of.  Check it out on my Upcoming Gigs page.  Lots of singing lately, and it's time to slow down.

I'm learning to be more content with the less busy times of life.  I have been trained value busyness more than relaxation.  But one isn't better than the other.  I tend to feel restless and anxious when gliding smoothly through life, as though I need to always be tackling a new stretch of whitewater.  I'm pretty sure most people would drown if they paddled down rivers without any breaks from the rapids.  Not appealing. 

I need time to assess my creative endeavors, my relationships, and my work.  The silences are critical to growing a greater understanding of myself, my life, and the world.  It's time to take a step back and enjoy all the gifts I've been given, including those I have done nothing to achieve.  I can sit and be content, enjoying the sun, the cool breeze, or a day without any commitments or duties.  I can give a friend a call or just lay on my living room carpet, thinking and smiling.  Will the world come crashing down?  I think not. 

I've learned that I always eventually get up from a period of rest and pursue something new.  I enjoy achieving goals, and I enjoy rest, too.  The fear that I will sink into idle stagnation is an unfounded lie.  I can and do trust myself more and more each day.  I trust myself to enjoy all the different feelings and parts of life. 

The quiet times are the best times to hear new songs...